A hidden gem in Gateshead
Axis is a small neighbourhood bar and bottleshop located next to the high-level bridge in Gateshead railway quarter. You'll find Axis serving an amazing selection of beers from sustainable breweries and environmentally friendly natural wines.
Inspired by owners Alice and Alex's experience of working in hospitality in the Southern Hemisphere, Axis is Cosy and warm with a welcoming atmosphere. Whether that be for meeting a friend for a quiet drink, heading to one of their tasting events, or starting a night out before heading over the high-level bridge in to Newcastle. We think Axis is somewhat of a hidden Gem and is undoubtedly one of our favourite spots in the area.
Check out Axis's social media pages or website to see what tasting events they have coming up.

Excellent sustainability
Axis's sustainability journey
Axis takes great care to ensure the products they have available to customers are from independently owned and operated small-scale breweries. They ensure all their products come directly from suppliers, lowering the amount of food and drink miles behind their offering compared to venues that use distributors.
They also make sure the organisations they source from are making efforts towards being sustainable. Brewings such as 'DEYA', which Axis sources beer from, have embedded sustainable policies and measure and offset their carbon output yearly. Additionally to this, all the wine that Axis sources for customers is naturally made, using indigenous varieties of grapes, hand picked grapes, and is unfined, meaning they have a minimal impact on the physical environment compared wine brewed by larger scale wineries.
16 Wellington St, Gateshead NE8 2AJ
info@axisbeer.com https://www.axisbeer.com/